National Mental Health Service Provider

Wounded Warriors Canada Donates $50,000 to Military Entrepreneurship Program

October 26, 2016

Canadian Forces Base Borden – Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce their $50,000 donation to the Prince’s Operation Entrepreneur (POE) program. The funding supports POE’s one-day “Introduction to Entrepreneurship” workshops, for those wondering whether entrepreneurship is a good fit for their second careers, and the seven-day boot camps, a week-long residential “mini MBA” where participants learn from leading university professors on topics including market research, finance, marketing and social media. Participants also work with a student mentor on a plan for their business.

Phil Ralph, National Program Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, “There remains a significant gap with respect to skills transition support for releasing, or released, members of the Canadian Armed Forces. That is why the Prince’s Operation Entrepreneur program is so vital, having been able to help start or build 169 business across the country. We are proud to help ensure this program has the funding required to help our veterans make successful career transitions and we look forward to many more successful outcomes.”

Janet McCausland, Director Prince’s Operation Entrepreneur, commented, “We are delighted that Wounded Warriors Canada is supporting the ill and injured men and women who have bravely served our country and who want to become entrepreneurs. More than 70% of our 2016 boot camp participants were medically released, and entrepreneurship can provide the employment flexibility they need to come back to the workforce. The program also offers positive benefits for those with PTSD, including skills and abilities related to personal resiliency”.

For more information on Prince’s Operation Entrepreneur please

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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