National Mental Health Service Provider

Wounded Warriors Canada Donates $25,000 to Forces@WORK

June 17, 2016

OTTAWA – Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce a $25,000 donation to the Forces@WORK employment placement and retention program. Forces@WORK has a single mandate to assist transitioning Canadian Armed Forces members and Veterans, specifically those releasing for medical reasons, find and keep good civilian jobs. They work with both Regular and Reserve Forces – all ranks, ages, trades and occupations – and have been producing unprecedented success in this area since the inception of the program in 2012, with a current placement rate of 87%.

Wounded Warriors Canada funds a range of national programs focused on supporting ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans, First Responders and their families.  Successful employment transition for those who have been medically released from the Canadian Armed Forces remains a challenge for many Veterans and represents an area of focus for Wounded Warriors Canada as part of their spectrum of care.

Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, “Forces@WORK is an employment placement and retention program that supports transitioning Veterans, specifically ill and injured, to achieve rewarding second careers. The importance of Veterans obtaining gainful employment, and the security and dignity that comes with a job, cannot be understated. We look forward to helping Forces@WORK expand their outstanding program across the country and are proud to add this program to our national spectrum of care.”

Melanie Mitra, CEO Forces@WORK, commented, “Forces@WORK has proven that employment is a significant means by which medically releasing members and veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces recover from an illness or an injury. We appreciate the support from Wounded Warriors Canada, which will allow us to make our services accessible to more Veterans in need of employment.”

For more information on Forces@WORK visit:

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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