National Mental Health Service Provider

Wounded Warriors Canada Announces their 2016 Veterans’ Child Scholars

September 6, 2016

TORONTO – It’s back to school and Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce their 2016 Veterans’ Child Scholars (VCS). Through the generous support of the founding sponsors at The Bay Street Children’s Foundation, CIBC Capital Markets, RBC, and ITG, today 8 students are headed to their respective college or universities having received this important hand up. The $40,000 VCS fund provides one year of full-time post secondary education to 8 children whose parent is a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran, serving or retired, affected by Operational Stress Injuries (OSI) – including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Wounded Warriors Canada is profoundly aware of the life changing impact that mental health injuries have on our military families and, specifically, the children. The Veterans’ Child Scholarship represents Wounded Warriors Canada’s first initiative directly focused on the children of our ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members and Veterans.

The 2016 Veterans’ Child Scholars:

Calissa Daley: Acadia University

Kayla Wiems: Camoson College

Ashley Pelletier-Simard: Dalhousie University

Julia Beekhouse: Saint Mary’s University

Katrina Hunter: University of Ottawa

Alisha Perreault: University of Ottawa

Mikayla Lively: Algonquin College

Alexander Jones: Queen’s University

Phil Ralph, National Program Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, “Each of the applications we received were deserving of this fund. Their heart wrenching stories of what life can be like growing up in a home with a parent, or parents, who suffer with an Operational Stress Injury was a reminder to us all about the need to ensure the entire military family is supported when program options are considered. We look forward to watching the students grow and prosper in this next chapter of their lives.”

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For more information on Wounded Warriors Canada and for complete details on the Veterans’ Child Scholarship please visit:

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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