CALGARY – This past weekend, six members of the Calgary Fire Fighters Association participated in the first delivery of the Wounded Warriors Canada Before Operational Stress program (BOS). This innovative group-based program has been carefully designed to enhance the resilience and mental health for members of our Canadian Armed Forces, First Responders, Corrections Officers, and 911 Operators.
The BOS program consists of 16 hours of education and group process. BOS is facilitated by trauma therapists who bring together cutting-edge clinical approaches with recognized scientific expertise. This approach is designed to support the psychological health and wellness of public service personnel over the course of their operational careers. The next BOS program runs September 4 with a group from the Region of Durham Paramedic Services in Ontario.
Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, “We are very proud to announce the completion of the first-ever WWC Before Operational Stress program. Our objective with BOS is to help create trauma informed workplaces for members of our Canadian Armed Forces and public safety officials. To that end, we believe BOS is a resiliency game-changer that will enhance participants’ ability to understand and recognize the cognitive, emotional and behavioral markers of operational stress within themselves.”
Dr. Megan McElheran, Chief National Clinician of WGM Psychology and BOS program author, commented, “We are thrilled and very proud to have launched the BOS program with members of the Calgary Fire Department this past weekend. We are hopeful that the BOS program will support public safety personnel to maintain and enhance their psychological health as they continue in their service to our country.”
To learn more about the BOS program visit: