National Mental Health Service Provider

UNIFOR Local 2458 Surpasses $250,000 Donated to Wounded Warriors Canada

July 23, 2016

WINDSOR – Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce that UNIFOR Local 2458 has surpassed $250,000 in donations to the charity. Representing 5000 members in Health Care, Education, Hospitality, Recreation, Skilled Trades and the private sector, UNIFOR 2458 has 63 bargaining units from Windsor to Tobermory. Since 2006, the Local has been hosting an annual fundraising golf tournament benefiting Wounded Warriors Canada. They are one of the charity’s longest standing donor partners and will be celebrating their milestone donation this weekend at their 10th Anniversary tournament.

Wounded Warriors Canada funds a range of national programs and services in support of our ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans, First Responders and their families.  As a privately funded charity, their work is made possible because of the care, compassion and generosity of Canadians from across the country.

Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, “UNIFOR Local 2458 is one of our long standing donors. They have been behind us since the founding of Wounded Warriors Canada and their support over the last ten years has helped us grow into Canada’s leading mental heath charity supporting ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans, First Responders and their families.”

Bruce Dickie, Unifor Local 2458 President, commented, “The local leadership  has been so proud to be able to support our soldiers through Wounded Warriors Canada. From the very start, the golfers, sponsors and volunteers have made it possible to raise the funds necessary to help our Armed Forces members when they needed it most. Our thanks to them and Wounded Warriors Canada.”

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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