National Mental Health Service Provider

Team Simmons/Team Canada Partner with Wounded Warriors Canada

Calgary, AB, 21 October 2015 – Team Simmons, the reigning Canadian Men’s Curling Champions, are proud to announce they have named Wounded Warriors Canada (WWC) their official charity for the 2015-2016 curling season.

The partnership between Team Simmons’ and Wounded Warriors Canada is intended to raise awareness of the important work of WWC and the many challenges facing ill and injured Canadian Forces members, Veterans and their families.  Team Simmons is uniquely positioned to reach millions of curling fans across Canada.

Gaps have left our Canadian Forces personnel in need, and that’s why the WWC programs and services are so vital.  Utilizing our Team’s social media platforms and by promoting WWC at competitions we hope to inform and educate Canadians.  We’ve decided to donate a portion of our GSOC prize money to WWC because we want to make a difference.  Personally I have a strong connection to the Canadian Forces, my father Earle Morris served in the Canadian Forces for 30 years as a physical education and recreation officer and my mother was a nurse. My sister is a health care administrator in the reserves and her husband serves in the regular force.”   John Morris, on behalf of Team Simmons

Team Simmons’ first GSOC competition will be the Masters taking place October 27 – November 1, 2015 in Truro, NS.  The WWC logo will be proudly and prominently positioned on their on-ice uniforms.   In addition to donating a portion of their season’s GSOC prize money, they will also participate at WWC events across the country.

On behalf of Wounded Warriors Canada, it is our absolute honour and pleasure to partner with the Canadian Men’s Curling Champions. For WWC, partnerships make the life-changing programs we fund nationally possible. As an injured veteran myself, I want to personally thank Pat Simmons, John Morris, Carter Rycroft and Nolan Thiessen for their devotion to our country’s military and their support of our injured and ill veterans and their families.” David Macdonald, National Partnerships Director, Wounded                                                                                                                                 Warriors Canada, Afghanistan Veteran Task Force 3-08 

Team Simmons encourages all Canadians to get involved in supporting WWC. To learn more about the charity and to donate visit:

About Team Simmons:

Team Simmons (Pat Simmons, John Morris, Carter Rycroft and Nolan Thiessen) are the back-to-back two-time and reigning Canadian Men’s Curling champions.  In defending its Tim Hortons Brier championship in 2015 and retaining its status as Team Canada, the team redefined what teamwork, sacrifice, courage and leadership meant.

For further information and media inquiries:

Team Simmons:

Please contact: Jennifer Shepherd, Shepherd Management Grou        519-741-5176

Wounded Warriors Canada:

Please contact: Scott Maxwell, Wounded Warriors Canada

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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Wounded Warriors Canada is a registered charity. CRA# 82808-2727-RR0001

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