National Mental Health Service Provider


Toronto, ON (Oct 21, 2015) – This summer Persona released a new military inspired collection of silver beads and charms in support of Wounded Warriors Canada, a non-profit organization that supports ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, veterans, and their families. First launched to their 100+ independent jewellery dealers across Canada, the Military collection is now expanding to include 170 People’s Jewellers and Mappins Fine Jewellers locations this October. Designed to raise awareness and funds for Wounded Warriors Canada, 10% of the retail sales from each Persona Military Collection bead and charm sold is donated to the organization.

“We are thrilled to make this collection available to Canadians nation-wide with the addition of 170 new retail locations,” said Neil Travis, President of First Jewelry Limited. “As the collection expands into more stores, so too will the exposure of the Wounded Warriors Canada organization, bringing more awareness to, and raising more money for, the important work they are doing for our Armed Forces members, Veterans and their families.”

Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, “At Wounded Warriors Canada, partnerships make our life- changing and family-saving programs possible. Through expanding this partnership to include premier, national brands like People’s Jewellers and Mappins Fine Jewellers, this will go a long way in helping us raise important awareness and funds in support of our ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans and their families.”

The Military Collection was launched with four sterling silver beads, three enamel military bears in naval, army and air force uniforms, and one silver and red crystal Canadian flag heart bead with the inscription “My soldier my hero” on the back, as well as a silver dog tag style charm in sterling silver with Austrian crystal and hand-painted enamel detailing.

New to the Military collection this fall, Persona is launching the “Remembrance Poppy” bead, a beautiful sterling silver design with hand- painted red enamel and a black crystal centre. The new “Remembrance Poppy” will be available mid-October at Persona dealers across Canada including independent jewelry retailers, People’s Jewellers, Mappins Fine Jewellers, and online at

About Persona®

Persona® is a collection of sterling silver jewelry comprising of interchangeable beads and charms that can be worn on bracelets, earrings and necklaces. Persona® is sold across North America through Zales, Gordon’s, Peoples, Mappins, and independent retailers. Persona® jewelry is of exceptional quality and includes beads of Italian glass, Austrian crystal, 18karat gold and rose gold overlay, gemstones and colorful enamel. The variety of beads inspires women to create beautiful pieces that express their unique personality and versatile

style. Launched in 2009, Persona® is distributed by First Jewelry Limited based in Toronto, Canada. For more information visit

Contact: Astrid Henninger, First Jewelry Limited (416) 646 9800 ext. 300

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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