May 31, 2017
For Immediate Release
TORONTO — Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce that Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has partnered with the Highway of Heroes Bike Ride event as Lunch and Aid Station sponsor.
“OPG is proud to support the upcoming Highway of Heroes Bike Ride. We value our partnership with Wounded Warriors Canada, and the important services they provide within our community,” Brian Duncan, Senior Vice President, Darlington Nuclear.
Their $5,000 contribution ensures the maximum amount of participant fundraising is directed towards Wounded Warriors Canada’s mental health programs benefiting ill and injured Veterans, First Responders and their families.
“Ontario Power Generation is a long-standing community partner in Durham Region and we thank them for their continued commitment to Veterans, First Responders and their families. We look forward to our second annual Highway of Heroes Bike Ride,” Scott Maxwell, Wounded Warriors Canada Executive Director.
From 2001 to 2014 more than 40,000 Canadian Armed Forces members served in the Afghanistan theatre of operations. While Canada’s efforts in Afghanistan made a great difference, this came at an immense cost to our nation. 158 Canadian Armed Forces members made the ultimate sacrifice for peace and freedom in Afghanistan and thousands have been physically and or mentally injured as a result of these operations.
The second annual Wounded Warriors Canada Highway of Heroes Bike Ride will take a group of Canadian cyclists alongside this stretch of highway to raise funds and awareness in support of our ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans, First Responders and their families living with operational stress injuries like PTSD. It promises to be a powerful experience as we carry forward our charity’s mission to Honour the Fallen and Help the Living.
The second annual Wounded Warriors Canada Highway of Heroes Bike Ride takes place August 17 – 19, 2017.
Media Inquiries:
Matthew Wocks
Director of Communications
Phone: (647) 572-4627
Email: matt@woundedwarriors.ca