National Mental Health Service Provider

Canadian Veterans Join the Fight Against Child Soldiers

February 10, 2016

Toronto, ON—The Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative (Dallaire Initiative), is enlisting Canadian veterans in its global fight against child soldiers with the launch of the Veteran Trainers to Eradicate the Use of Child Soldiers (VTECS) program.  Delivered with the support of Wounded Warriors Canada this program will build on the valuable knowledge, experience and insight Canadian veterans possess to deliver specialized training to prevent the use of child soldiers.

“They may have left the battlefield but Canadian veterans are a needed and valuable partner in addressing a critical security issue of our time, the use and recruitment of children as weapons of war. Through the VTECS program, we hope to build on their experience and expertise and encourage veterans to join me in my organization’s fight to end the recruitment and use of child soldiers” states LGen Roméo Dallaire, founder of the Dallaire Initiative.

Based out of the Dallaire Initiative’s institutional home at Dalhousie University, the VTECS program will equip Canadian veterans with specialized skills and knowledge to help deliver the Dallaire Initiative’s ground breaking work to prevent the use of child soldiers. Graduates of the VTECS program will help prepare their security sector peers for encounters with child soldiers and strengthen their ability to recognize and interrupt recruitment.

The VTECS program is made possible through a $175 000 investment by Wounded Warriors Canada towards its pilot year in 2016. Successful applicants will receive scholarships that cover cost of tuition, travel, along with room and board associated with the program.

Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, “Through our national programming at Wounded Warriors Canada we continue to work with veterans who are struggling to transition their specialized skills to the civilian workspace. We believe the VTECS program will be a force multiplier – leveraging the skill set of our highly trained veterans while also providing skills transition training; access to an academic environment; credits/accreditation possibilities and potential employment opportunities.”

The inaugural call for applications will be open between February 10th and March 29th. Canadian veterans can submit an application or learn more about the program by visiting

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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