National Mental Health Service Provider

Battlefield Bike Ride Participants Raise $500,000 for Ill and Injured Veterans and their Families

NIJMEGEN, Netherlands, June 19, 2015 /CNW/ – Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce that the participants of the 2015 Wounded Warriors Canada Battlefield Bike Ride have raised $500,000 in support of ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans and their families.

On June 13th over 80 cyclists – composed of serving and retired Canadian Armed Forces members, First Responders and civilians – began their journey at the iconic Vimy Ridge Memorial and covered nearly 600 km through France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Along the route the team observed historic Canadian battlefields and memorials that played a significant role in not only liberating Europe but in defining Canada as a nation. Stops included Passchendaele, Flanders and the Menin Gate and concluded this afternoon with a moving ceremony at the Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetery as the world marks the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands.

Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, “The care, compassion and generosity of this team has been nothing short of amazing. For the last seven days we have been honouring the service and sacrifice of the fallen, culminating today at Groesbeek Cemetery. For the last seven months our participants have committed themselves to helping the living by raising an incredible $500,000 in support of the life changing programs we fund across Canada. We leave Europe united as one Team Canada and, on behalf of Wounded Warriors Canada, we are entirely grateful for their commitment to our Veterans and their families.”

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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