National Mental Health Service Provider
Rebecca Schillemat


Rebecca Schillemat, Runner

I am a wife, mother and teacher. My husband is a military police corporal and we have two young girls. As a military spouse I have a wonderful support network of other spouses who share their experiences with me and other new spouses. Once I found my network I knew I would be alright as a military spouse. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy for many others and that breaks my heart. I am honoured to be part of the Wounded Warriors Run BC team because I can help. I know that people need help and need to be able to talk openly about mental health and this opportunity pushes me out of my comfort zone to help bring change.

I love to run. I find it relaxing, and no matter how difficult it seems to be at the beginning, I am always happy and feel accomplished when I’ve completed a run. I recently joined the Comox Valley Road Runners group and love learning about the new people I run with each week. There is a run I can join any day of the week and the group is so welcoming. I wish that everyone could feel as welcomed and accomplished as I do when I complete a run with this amazing group.

I am grateful that I can help others and raise awareness with the Wounded Warriors Run BC 2020 because we are in this together.

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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