National Mental Health Service Provider


July 6, 2017

Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce it has received the single largest donation in the history of the charity. The 36th Ulster Division Old Comrades Association of Ontario has generously donated $440,000 as part of the proceeds from the sale of their downtown headquarters.

“We are honoured to receive this historic donation. Incredibly, we received this donation in Toronto at the same time our VIMY 100 Battlefield Bike Ride participants were cycling past the First World War Ulster Memorial Tower in France. This gift will significantly enhance our ability to fund the life-changing and family-saving mental health programs we make possible now and into the future,” said Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada.

The 36th Ulster Division was an infantry division of the British Army, which fought in World War I as part of the Lord Kitchener’s New Army. The Canadian branch, which formed in 1928, will celebrate its 80th anniversary next year.

“We’re proud to support a local, grassroots charity like Wounded Warriors Canada because we know all the money donated goes towards helping Veterans,”said Allan Elliot, President of the 36th Ulster Division Old Comrades Association of Ontario

During the 2017 VIMY 100 Battlefield Bike Ride, Wounded Warriors Canada and the 140 cyclists paid their respects at the Ulster Memorial Tower in Thiepval, France. The Tower marks the site of the Schwaben redoubt, where the Ulster Division advanced on the first day of the Battle of the Somme.


About Wounded Warriors Canada:

Wounded Warriors Canada is the nation’s leading charity developing and delivering innovative mental health programs benefiting ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans, First Responders and their families.

Quick Facts:

  • 2016 donations exceeded 3 million
  • 82% of expenditures delivered to mental health programs and services
  • 13 national mental health programs
  • Receives no public financing

Media inquiries:

Matthew Wocks
Director of Communications
Phone: (647) 572-4627

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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