National Mental Health Service Provider

Wounded Warriors Receive Substantial Donation

Toronto, Ontario, November 8, 2012 – Canadian soldiers and reservists gathered at The Moss Park Armoury in Toronto, Ontario on Thursday where Captain Wayne Johnston, Founder of was presented with a $52,000 donation from Glenfiddich. The donation is the result of a record-breaking auction held this past October, where proceeds from the ultra rare Glenfiddich Janet Sheed Roberts Reserve 55 Year Old Single Malt Scotch were given to charity. The chosen charity, is a not-for-profit organization that assists and improves the quality of life for wounded Canadian soldiers and their families.

I couldn’t be more thrilled to accept this donation on behalf of Wounded Warriors, it will help countless Canadian soldiers and reservists who have made priceless sacrifices for our country,” says Captain Johnston. This is a significant time of year to recognize the efforts of our Canadian Forces and the proceeds from this auction help create a level of awareness you can’t put a price tag on.”

The ceremony was hosted at the headquarters of the 48th Highlanders of Canada, where a kilted representative of their pipe and drum association performed leading up to the presentation. The $52,000 donation is the second largest in the history of Wounded Warriors who have provided programs and services since 1990. With a focus on building awareness around mental health and post-traumatic stress, Wounded Warriors also provide physical health support and life skills development for Canadian Forces members who have been wounded or injured in service.

When asked how the proceeds from the rare Glenfiddich Scotch will be used, Captain Johnston explained, “Every penny of this donation will go towards programs facilitating Canadian Forces members in their battle with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). This will have a huge impact on the Wounded Warriors community but every donation large or small makes a difference and we encourage Canadians to support our Canadian Forces members in any way possible.”

Canada’s only bottle of Glenfiddich Janet Sheed Roberts Reserve 55 Year Old was sold at the VINTAGES auction hosted by LCBO and Waddington’s Auction House. The Scotch broke the record for most expensive bottle ever sold at auction in Canada and was purchased by an anonymous Canadian couple, inspired by Glenfiddich’s association with

To join the fight against post-traumatic stress disorder in support of the Canadian Forces and make a donation, please visit

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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