Wounded Warriors Canada provides $100,000 grant supporting Ontario’s first Veterans Transition Program

February 22, 2013
For Immediate Release
Ottawa – Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to help bring the University of British Columbia’s Veterans Transition Program (VTP) to Ontario.
The Veterans Transition Program (VTP) is a group-based program that assists veterans with processing stressful or traumatic experiences through re-enactment and skills development. It is delivered by the Veterans Transition Network, a not-for-profit that grew out of 15 years of evidence-based support at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Ongoing program evaluation and further research through UBC, the University of Victoria, and the University of Ottawa ensures that the VTP continues to evolve and remain at the forefront of military post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment.
Wounded Warriors Canada has provided $100,000 to assist the national expansion of the Veterans Transition Program by supporting program delivery in Ontario – a program that begins this weekend in Ottawa. This program would not have been possible without the support of the Ontario Legion, which matched program delivery funds.
Over a 3 month period, the program will assist our first group of 10 Ontario Veterans struggling with PTSD, depression and other barriers to transition. The Veterans Transition Network will deliver a total of 9 programs across Canada in 2013 with the support of Wounded Warriors Canada, the Royal Canadian Legion and Veterans Affairs Canada.
“I am excited to be a part of bringing the Veterans Transition Program to Ontario. It was a major part of my transition home after serving in Afghanistan and it has been my personal mission to make this program available to as many Veterans as possible. The generous contribution from Wounded Warriors Canada and the Legion has made this program possible in Ontario, while also securing federal funding from the government through Veterans Affairs Canada” said Tim Laidler, Executive Director of the Veterans Transition Network.
Phil Ralph, Wounded Warriors Canada Program Director, commented, “The VTP is a fantastic initiative that we are proud to support. Not only does the VTP help enable soldiers to work through Operational Stress Injuries, it transitions soldier’s skills into civilian skills – helping them to be successful and productive in civilian life. We are thrilled our funding has allowed for the expansion of this great program into Ontario.â€
For more information on UBC’S VTP visit: vtncanada.org
For more information on Wounded Warriors Canada visit: https://woundedwarriors.ca
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Scott Maxwell
Executive Director