National Mental Health Service Provider

Wounded Warriors Canada Launches Cross-Country “Tribute to Your Service” Events

The Blue Mountains– Wounded Warriors Canada is very proud to announce their cross-country, A Tribute to Your Service events for Canada’s ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and their families.

Beginning this weekend at the beautiful Blue Mountain Resort in Ontario, communities across the country will open their arms and welcome our serving and retired CAF members and guests at events geared towards group camaraderie, information sharing, relaxation and family healing.

Mayor of the Town of the Blue Mountains, Ellen Anderson, commented, “We are so pleased that The Wounded Warriors Canada has chosen the Town of The Blue Mountains for their Tribute to Service event. We have a long tradition in this area of men and women giving service to their Country and we are very proud to join with those who have donated their support to this event, in honouring them. We are humbled by their presence and forever in their debt for their self-sacrifice to aid not only Canadians but those who need their help across the globe.”

Phil Ralph, National Program Director for Wounded Warriors Canada, commented,“Our Tribute to Your Service events offer great respite for our ill and injured CAF members and veterans. Further, not enough program support and recognition is provided to the family members that stand beside and behind our Canadian Armed Forces members each and every day. These events will help address this important gap.”

Mayor of Collingwood, Sandra Cooper, said, “The Town of Collingwood welcomes Wounded Warriors Canada to our beautiful region. Collingwood continues to have a close relationship with our military family both past and present.  We hope your experience will provide memories to last forever,” said Mayor Sandra Cooper.

Daimian Boyne, National Events Coordinator for Wounded Warriors Canada commented, “It’s extremely powerful to witness how these events engage the entire host community and raise awareness about Operational Stress Injuries. We couldn’t be more grateful for the outpouring of support we have received in communities across the country.”

Upcoming Events will include a fly-fishing experience in Thunder Bay as well as Tribute events in Whistler, BC and Quebec City.

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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