National Mental Health Service Provider

Puppet show helps kids understand parents’ injuries

PEMBROKE, Ont – Jon O’Connor (left) from Wounded presents a cheque to Roxanne Landry of the Phoenix Centre for Children and Families in Pembroke, Ontario (near CFB Petawawa) in support of a special new program designed to help children of military members.

The Phoenix Centre runs the Friends and Neighbours Club, a program that uses puppets to entertain and educate their young audiences. They are very pleased and excited to have launched a new script, “It’s Just Not the Same”, which is focused on children who have a military parent suffering from a mental or a physical injury.

This script was commissioned by Veterans Affairs Canada and was officially launched in November 2009.  This donation of $10,500 by Wounded ensures that this script and additional puppets are distributed to seven Military Family Resources Centres at bases across Canada, to help them work with children and their families.
“It’s Just Not the Same”
Understanding and identifying changes in military families,
suitable for ages five to 12;

  • Kathy Quinn – 9 yrs
  • Simon Lau – 9 yrs
  • Robert Presley – 11 yrs

Synopsis – Kathy’s parents are both Canadian Forces member. It has been a couple of months that her father returned from his deployment. Kathy does not understand why her father is not back to his usual self, even though he has been deployed before.

Simon helps Kathy identify and understand why her father might not be the same after going away. He also helps her realize that she is not alone and that there is lots of help available. Robert joins Kathy and shares his father’s story with her. Together they discuss and share their feelings about being part of a military family.

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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