Prince Edward District Masons Fundraising Presentation

Worshipful Brother Bill Lewis (right) the District Deputy Grand Master presents Mr. Jon O’Connor from Wounded with a cheque for $18,000 on Thursday October 21 at Royal Military College in Kingston. This is the result of the Prince Edward District charitable fund raising campaign for 2009-2010.
Each year, Masonic Districts choose a charity to support and this year Wounded was selected. The support and care of Canadian military wounded was an easy fit for the people of this region.
Prince Edward Masonic District in Central Ontario is comprised of 13 Lodges from Bancroft in the north to Picton in the south and from Brighton to Belleville. Each Lodge chooses their own method of fundraising which included pancake breakfasts, turkey suppers raffles and private donations.
Wounded respectfully accepts this wonderful donation and salutes Prince Edward District Masons for their fund raising efforts.