National Mental Health Service Provider



Red colour Strength Warrior logo



Red colour Strength Warrior logo


Wounded Warriors Canada’s newest addition to our family of training programs is called STRENGTH Warrior. STRENGTH delivers culturally specific training to prevent burnout, trauma-related stress distress, loss of motivation and emotional disturbances for Trauma Exposed Professionals (TExP).

Based on the science of resilience, STRENGTH is a program for organizations that want to reduce absenteeism, grievances, dissatisfaction, and staff turnover. If completed through in-person training, the program can be done in one day. Alternatively, with our online option, your entire organization can do the training on-demand at a pace that suits individual learners. STRENGTH can be completed in groups or solo, at work or home.


It is for prevention, not treatment of distress, burnout, post-traumatic stress reactions, loss of interest, anger, depression, and other emotional and behavioural problems.

The broader goal is a more resilient workplace – with the reduction of stress leave, conflicts, grievances, presenteeism, and turnover.


It is suitable for all Trauma Exposed Professionals that includes but is not limited to members of the Canadian Armed Forces, First Responders, and healthcare workers at all levels of seniority, rank, and responsibility.


Wounded Warriors Canada’s newest addition to our family of training programs is called STRENGTH Warrior. STRENGTH delivers culturally specific training to prevent burnout, trauma-related stress distress, loss of motivation and emotional disturbances for Trauma Exposed Professionals (TExP).

Based on the science of resilience, STRENGTH is a program for organizations that want to reduce absenteeism, grievances, dissatisfaction, and staff turnover. If completed through in-person training, the program can be done in one day. Alternatively, with our online option, your entire organization can do the training on-demand at a pace that suits individual learners. STRENGTH can be completed in groups or solo, at work or home.


  • It is for prevention, not treatment, of distress, burnout, post-traumatic stress reactions, loss of interest, anger, depression, and other emotional and behavioural problems.
  • The broader goal is a more resilient workplace – with the reduction of stress leave, conflicts, grievances, presenteeism, and turnover


  • It is suitable for all Trauma Exposed Professionals that includes but is not limited to members of the Canadian Armed Forces, First Responders, and healthcare workers at all levels of seniority, rank, and responsibility.



Red colour Strength Warrior logo


This is the general staff training, recommended for all staff members, that teaches all of the basic STRENGTH contents and preventive skills. It also introduces the Resilient Lifestyle Toolkit, which is a brief, standalone guide for trainees and their families to learn healthy lifestyle skills such as relaxation, meditation, work-life balance, etc. It is a prerequisite for STRENGTH Champions Certificate training. 

  • STRENGTH Warrior is available as an on-demand, self-paced training that is licensed to employers for staff access of all online materials.
  • Online training is self-paced and can be done at work or home.
  • Full course length is 3 hours.
  • STRENGTH Warrior can also be accessed through in person clinically facilitated classroom training:
    • 1 day for all staff
    • 1 added day for a sub-group of volunteer STRENGTH Champions
  • STRENGTH Warrior is available as an on-demand, self-paced training that is licensed to employers for staff access of all online materials.
  • Online training is self-paced and can be done at work or home.
  • Full course length is 3 hours.
  • STRENGTH Warrior can also be accessed through in person clinically facilitated classroom training:
    • 1 day for all staff
    • 1 added day for a sub-group of volunteer STRENGTH Champions



William Winogron has had a long and distinguished career in psychology. Following his doctoral degree and a postdoctoral fellowship, he trained at the renowned Albert Ellis Institute in New York City over several years, receiving mentorship from Dr. Ellis himself. He attained Associate Fellowship status and is an Approved Supervisor of the Institute. He is also co-director of a training centre in Canada, The Center for Rational and Cognitive Therapies. 

At the peak of Dr. Winogron’s program development career sits STRENGTH (Staff Resiliency and Growth Program). Fulfilling his lifelong desire to “democratize” psychology, making it universally available to all, he has spent four years leading a team in the development of the STRENGTH Workplace Resiliency Program. This program, better than any other that he has created, puts the best of preventive, evidence-based psychology into the hands of non-psychologists. 

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