National Mental Health Service Provider


Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce a partnership with the Edmonton Police Service’s (EPS) Employee and Organizational Wellness Branch that will offer innovative mental health programs and services to EPS members and their families.

“Every day police officers are confronted with traumatic situations that can be difficult to process due to the nature of their work, so mental health is always top of mind at EPS. We are constantly looking for opportunities to increase support and provide our officers with the tools, knowledge, and ability to take responsibility for their mental health and wellness,” says Staff Sergeant Rocky Druar, EPS Employee & Family Assistance Section (EFAS). “No two officers are the same. Support is unique to the individual and comes in many forms, and different types serve different functions. Our partnership with WWC complements our existing organizational wellness strategy, but most importantly, extends our services with an additional layer of support for members and their families.”

Through the partnership, WWC will work closely with the EPS, Edmonton Police Association (EPA), and Edmonton Police Service Veterans Association (EPSVA) to offer services to all of EPS’ active and retired professionals, including support for family members such as kids’ programs and camps. Services come at no cost to the Service, EPA, EPSVA, or, most importantly, members and their families.

“Given the complexities of operational stress injuries, we know that no single organization can provide the 100 per cent solution when it comes to the mental health and wellness needs of its members and their families,” says Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada. “Partnerships are vital. Together, we are working to break down barriers to accessing culturally appropriate mental health care while reducing stigma for those who serve. We’re grateful for their willingness to collaborate, and we look forward to working with the EPS in the months and years to come.”

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