National Mental Health Service Provider

$400,000 Wounded Warriors Canada Doctoral Scholarship

Scholarship focuses on veterans’ mental health

May 15, 2013

KINGSTON – Wounded Warriors Canada today launched a doctoral scholarship in military and veterans’ mental health.  The Canadian Institute for Military and Veterans Health Research (CIMVHR), based at Queen’s University, and its 26 member universities are partners in the 10-year program.

“The Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research is thrilled about this partnership with Wounded Warriors Canada and the legacy this gift will build for military, veteran and family health research in Canada,” says Alice Aiken (School of Rehabilitation Therapy), Director of the CIMVHR.

The $400,000 in new scholarships will fund doctoral students from universities across Canada as they research issues relevant to military members, veterans and families. Wounded Warriors Canada will also facilitate a meeting between the doctoral scholars and wounded veterans so they can understand the impact of their work.

“We are very excited to partner with CIMVHR on this far-reaching, legacy funding initiative for Wounded Warriors Canada,” said Phil Ralph, National Program Director of Wounded Warriors Canada. “Knowing mental health is an issue that will continue to confront Canada’s veterans and their families for years to come, we view the Wounded Warriors Canada doctoral scholarship as a groundbreaking research program, working to identify better ways to assist those confronting the daily challenges of post-traumatic stress disorder.”

The Wounded Warriors Doctoral Scholarship Fund was established to fund annual scholarships to PhD students, supervised by a CIMVHR researcher to explore a mental health topic.

“On behalf of the Canada’s defence team, I thank Wounded Warriors Canada and the Canadian Institute for Military and Veterans Health Research for coming together to push the boundaries of what we know about post-traumatic stress disorder,” says the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence. “Through collective efforts, extensive research, and long-term commitment, Canada will continue to be an international leader in mental health research.”

The Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR) was established by Queen’s and the Royal Military College of Canada to address the gap in military, veteran and family health research in Canada and to deal with the diverse set of physical, mental and social health issues that are faced by veterans, current soldiers, and their families.  With a network of academic researchers from across Canada, CIMVHR serves as a focal point for more than 26 Canadian universities who have agreed to work together in addressing the health research requirements of this important segment of the Canadian population.

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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