BELLVILLE – Shorelines Casinos Ontario and Wounded Warriors Canada are proud to announce a new partnership between the two organizations. For the month of August, Shorelines three casinos (Thousand Islands, Belleville and Kawartha Downs) will donate the funds raised through their onsite donation boxes in support of Wounded Warriors Canada’s third annual Highway of Heroes Bike Ride.
From 2001 to 2014 more than 40,000 Canadian Armed Forces members served in the Afghanistan theatre of operations. While Canada’s efforts in Afghanistan made a great difference, this came at an immense cost to our nation. 158 Canadian Armed Forces members made the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan and thousands have been physically and or mentally injured as a result of these operations. On August 25-26th, over 100 cyclists will join together at the Afghanistan Repatriation memorial in Trenton to begin the two-day, 240km ride to Queen’s Park. The event honours those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in their service to Canada while raising funds and awareness in support of our ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans, First Responders and their families living with Operational Stress Injuries like PTSD.
Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, “Partnerships make our life-changing mental health programs possible. Not only will these donations directly support our ill and injured Veterans, First Responders and their families in their time of need, our Highway of Heroes Bike Ride works to ensure we always remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in their service to Canada. We thank the team at Shorelines for their support – you and your customers are the definition of what it means to be #InThisTogether for mental health.”
Ron Urquhart, Executive Director, Ontario Gaming East Limited Partnership, commented, “Shorelines Casinos is committed to supporting such worthy organizations that help bridge a gap for Veterans, First Responders and their families. Building strong partnerships within the pillars of our community through the support of programs such as this; is integral in not only recognizing those who sacrifice but also in assisting by generating awareness and making a difference by providing support for those in our community.”