Samson Haire, Runner
My name is Samson Haire and I work as a Constable for the Victoria Police Department. I love running. I love getting out and letting my mind clear and sometimes find it even therapeutic. I first became involved with the Wounded Warrior Run in 2019 and ran as part of the team that year. This will be my second year on the team. I wanted to run because of what I was seeing happening around my workplace, with officers going off work from stress related injuries and issues. It seems to have been escalating at an alarming rate and being a Jr member, I could see some of the issues even appearing in my fellow tenured co-workers.
I took what I love to do in running and used my voice and experiences to help bring awareness to this issue that is happening, not only with police, but all first responders and military personnel.
I am honoured to be on the team and look forward to meeting the many supporters and individuals who come meet us on the way, and hear their stories which have in turn changed mine.