While we all do our part to help contain the spread of COVID-19, our team remains committed to supporting the Veterans, First Responders and their family members that we serve. Thankfully, technology provides us with important tools to reach our clients and Canadians generally. As we speak, we are working to modify aspects of our delivery in an effort to utilize technology to combat the physical isolation requirements and, ultimately, provide our trauma support that is in such demand. More to follow on this in the weeks ahead. In the meantime, we are pleased to share with you a video hosted by our National Clinical Advisor, Dr. Tim Black. Over the next few months, Dr. Black will be develpoing a series of videos designed to help members and their families cope while at home awaiting care.
To all of our supporters: we are extremely grateful for your continued care, compassion and generosity — #INTHISTOGETHER.

Dr. Tim Black,
R. Psych. Associate Professor, Counselling Psychology, University of Victoria National Clinical Adviser, Wounded Warriors Canada
I am writing to you during these troubling times in my role as National Clinical Adviser for Wounded Warriors Canada as Canada and the world deal with the COVID-19 Pandemic.
As part of our commitment to helping flatten the curve and to preserve the health and well-being of all Canadians, WWC has cancelled all group programming until further notice. We are saddened to have to do this and, at the same time, we are proud to do our part.
Just as many of us are trying to do in our lives, WWC is shifting focus towards how we can support Veterans, First Responders and their families via online and remote means. It won’t be easy; it won’t be the same, but we have to respond to the challenges facing the country.
Over the next few months we will be making available a series of short videos to help fill the gap in our programming in the short term. The videos will feature WWC clinicians and program developers teaching various aspects of our programs, much the same as we would on a face-to-face program. I am pleased to share with you today our second video, which discusses the BETR Model (below). The French video was completed by another member of our clinical team, Claudine Barrette.
In the longer term, we will be working with our clinical teams and program developers to adapt the WWC programs to remote delivery methods where and when we are able.
These will be challenging times for all of us. We are committed to doing our best to support the WWC community, finding a way to connect and help you get started on your path to healing and recovery.
On behalf of the entire WWC Clinical Team, please take care of yourselves and each other.
Sincerely, Tim