Wounded Warriors.ca Announces Hand UP!, a new Support Program
Hand Up! is a new grant program run by Wounded Warriors.ca for those wounded soldiers who have battled back and are now ready with a plan to get on with their lives. The first beneficiary is Rob Ayers, a young veteran wounded in April 2007. Rob has worked through his...
Puppet show helps kids understand parents’ injuries
Puppet show helps kids understand parents’ injuries PEMBROKE, Ont – Jon O’Connor (left) from Wounded Warriors.ca presents a cheque to Roxanne Landry of the Phoenix Centre for Children and Families in Pembroke, Ontario (near CFB Petawawa) in support of a special...
SEGWAYS FOR WOUNDED WARRIORS OTTAWA – Through a unique pilot project, Wounded Warriors.ca is pleased to announce the presentation of Segway Personal Transporters to seven Canadian Forces members who were wounded overseas. The cost of the Segways and related...
Wounded Warrior: A soldier’s story
Wounded Warrior: A soldier’s story Physiotherapy assistant Jole Gravesande, left, and physiotherapist Sydney Johnson encourage Mike McTeague to walk. All eyes are on Mike McTeague as he struggles to pull up his socks. The 21-year-old soldier severely wounded in...