National Mental Health Service Provider

WWC fait un don de 100 000 $ au Réseau de transition des vétérans

WWC fait un don de 100 000 $ au Réseau de transition des vétérans KINGSTON, ON, le 16 avril 2015 /CNW/ – Wounded Warriors Canada (WWC), fière de poursuivre son partenariat avec le Réseau de transition des vétérans (RTV), annonce qu’elle fera un don de 100 000 $...

Langley Rotary Club Donates $20,000 to Wounded Warriors Canada

Langley Rotary Club Donates $20,000 to Wounded Warriors Canada Langley, BC — Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce that the Langley Rotary Club has made a donation of $20,000 to Wounded Warriors Canada. The donation is a result of the Club’s gala...
WWC Responds to Cabinet Shuffle

WWC Responds to Cabinet Shuffle

WWC Responds to Cabinet Shuffle For Immediate Release January 5, 2015 TORONTO – Wounded Warriors Canada congratulates the Honourable Erin O’Toole on his appointment to Minister of Veterans Affairs. This change follows the Prime Minister’s Cabinet Shuffle today at...

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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