National Mental Health Service Provider


May 29, 2017
For Immediate Release

TORONTO — Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce that they are now accepting applications for their second annual Veterans Child Scholarship (VCS) fund benefiting military families.

“The first year students have conveyed how impactful this fund has been in their lives. We are honoured to continue investing in this important programming area and look forward to helping more students achieve their post-secondary goals,” Phil Ralph, National Program Director of Wounded Warriors Canada.

Beginning this September, the $40,000 VCS will fund the first year of full-time post secondary education for 8 children whose parent(s) is a Canadian Armed Forces Veteran, serving or retired, affected by Operational Stress Injuries (OSI) – including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Wounded Warriors Canada is profoundly aware of the life changing impact that mental health injuries have on our military families and, specifically, the children.

“I am greatly humbled by the scholarship I received from Wounded Warriors. It helped me offset the cost of childcare and tuition as I return to university as a Mature Student. Without this grant, the financial hardship may have become insurmountable and I would not be able to pursue my education,” 2016 VCS recipient, Ashley Pelletier.

Deadline to apply for the 2017-2018 school year is July 1st, 2017.   

For more information on Wounded Warriors Canada and for complete details on the Veterans Child Scholarship please visit:

Media Inquiries:
Matthew Wocks
Director of Communications
Phone: (647) 572-4627

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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