National Mental Health Service Provider

Wounded Warriors Canada Announces 2017 VIMY 100 Battlefield Bike Ride

TORONTO, July 27, 2016 Wounded Warriors Canada (WWC) is proud to announce the launch of their fourth annual Battlefield Bike Ride – Vimy 100: Birth of a Nation. 2017 marks one hundred and fifty years since the Fathers of Confederation met in Charlottetownand Québec City and first dreamed of a united and prosperous Canada. 2017 also marks 100 years since the Canadian victory at Vimy Ridge, which became a defining moment for Canada.

The Battlefield Bike Ride represents the largest single fundraising event for Wounded Warriors Canada each year and embodies the charity’s guiding ethos to Honour the Fallen and Help the Living. Over the past three years, the cyclists, their donors, and ride sponsors have raised over $1.1M. This incredible achievement has allowed Wounded Warriors Canada to expand the delivery of their national mental health programs and services they provide across the country in support of our ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans, First Responders and their families.

Beginning June 9, 2017, BBR17 will host up to 150 Canadians, commemorating Canada 150, and cover over 600kms in distance beginning in Canterbury, England and culminating at the iconic Vimy Ridge memorial in France. The tour will pass through sites steeped in Canadian military history as we pay our respects to the 619,638 Canadians and 11,988 men of the Dominion of Newfoundland who served during the First World War. We will remember and honour the nearly 61,000 Canadians and 1,305 men of Newfoundland who gave their lives

Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, “2017 will be a year of celebration and commemoration for Canada. We are able to celebrate this incredible country and the freedoms we enjoy thanks to the service and sacrifice of our Canadian Armed Forces members – past, present and future. The Canadian victory at Vimy Ridge was a defining moment for our nation as we know it and we are excited to take another group of outstanding Canadians back to Vimy in commemoration of the 100thanniversary.”

Todd McGowan, Battlefield Bike Ride Operations Manager, commented, “As a Veteran, and a PTSD affected soldier, I have seen firsthand the incredible benefits of the programs that Wounded Warriors Canada funds. As a ride organizer and participant, I have the unique opportunity to both go through my own healing process as well as directly supporting others. I feel incredibly fortunate to witness the impact, friendships, and team spirit this transformational event can bring to Canadians from coast to coast.”

The 2017 WWC Battlefield Bike Ride is open to all Canadians. Registration is now open and complete information is available at:

To view the 2017 Battlefield Bike Ride video visit:

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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