National Mental Health Service Provider

Wounded Warriors Canada Announces 2015 Battlefield Bike Ride

TORONTO, Oct. 20, 2014 /CNW/ – Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce that they will host their second annual Battlefield Bike Ride. The 2015 Battlefield Bike Ride (BBR15) will begin where their inaugural ride concluded this summer, at the iconic Vimy Ridge Memorial. The ride, covering nearly 600 km, will take Canadians through France, Belgium, and the Netherlands visiting historic Canadian battlefields and memorials that played a significant role in not only liberating Europe, but also in defining Canada as a nation.

The ride will pass through sites including Passchendaele, Flanders and the Menin Gate before shifting focus to the critical role Canadian troops played in liberating the Netherlands, and ultimately, Europe.  As the world marks the 70th Anniversary of VE Day and the Liberation of the Netherlands, riders will trace the route of the Canadian Army through the Scheldt estuary as they pushed their way through heavy opposition on the path to Victory. The ride will culminate in Nijmegen.

The participants, composed of Canadians from all walks of life, will be fundraising in support of the life changing programs Wounded Warriors Canada funds nationally to assist of Canada’s ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members and their families.

Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, “This summer, in France, we witnessed the incredible impact our Battlefield Bike Ride had on Canadians. These events bring us together as one, commemorating our military history while raising awareness and funds to support the life changing programs we fund across Canada.”

The 2015 Battlefield Bike Ride is open to all Canadians and registration begins on Monday, October 27th. For complete ride information visit:

For further information:

Todd McGowan,
BBR15 Operations Manager
1-888-706-4808 ext. 3

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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