National Mental Health Service Provider

VETS Canada and Wounded Warriors Canada Partner to Help Homeless Vets

HALIFAX – Representatives from Wounded Warriors Canada  announced today that they will partner with VETS Canada to help homeless veterans throughout Canada.  In Halifax for a joint press conference, they provided VETS Canada with a cheque for $40,000 to mark the beginning of a formal partnership  that will allow VETS Canada to help more homeless veterans throughout Canada.

Scott Maxwell, Executive Director for Wounded Warriors Canada stated, “This partnership is representative of our organization’s mission to address gaps that exist in the care of our veterans. It’s a very proud day for Wounded Warriors.”

Phil Ralph, National Program Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, stated how excited they are about this partnership, commenting, “While the last soldier left Afghanistan this week, the battle is far from over. We have a long term, generational responsibility to address the challenges facing our ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members and their families, such as homelessness.”

With funding from Wounded Warriors, Jim Lowther, President of VETS Canada, stated that his organization will be better able to find homeless vets, get them the help they need so that they can leave the streets and, over time, benefit from the other programs that Wounded Warriors supports.

About VETS Canada:

Since 2010, VETS Canada has aided veterans from the Canadian Forces and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who have not made successful transitions from their service careers to healthy civilian lives, particularly those who have lost everything, are living in the streets, and are often suicidal. Today, VETS Canada, a non-partisan organization headquartered in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is a federally registered not-for-profit organization with charitable status. With a proven track record in helping homeless and at-risk veterans, it is the recognized expert in the field.

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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