National Mental Health Service Provider

Life Changing Train For Heroes

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA – Rocky Mountaineer is delighted to announce the inaugural journey of its new annual Life Changing Train for Heroes. Bringing together members of the armed forces and their families from Canada and around the world for a once in a lifetime rail journey, the Rocky Mountaineer train pulls out of the Vancouver Station with these very special heroes on October 1, 2013. Rocky Mountaineer will welcome Canadian soldiers, Paul Bornn and John Lowe as well as three other wounded veterans from across the globe, on a stunning rail journey through the inspiring scenery of Western Canada from Vancouver, BC through to Lake Louise, Alberta.

The Life Changing Train for Heroes program honours heroes who have made a significant impact on the lives of others, recognizes the families who have supported them along the way and raises awareness for the organizations that continue to provide assistance and encouragement. Each year, Rocky Mountaineer will salute heroes offering a special train trip that brings the spectacular scenery, service and once in a life-time experience to its special honoured guests.

“At  Rocky Mountaineer, we consider ourselves ‘Creators of Life Changing Experiences’ and the goal of our new program, is to give back to heroes and their families who have sacrificed so much to help and protect others,” says Randy Powell, President & CEO of Rocky Mountaineer.  “We are delighted to show our gratitude to heroes by giving them the opportunity to experience the magic onboard our rail journeys, where they will reconnect with loved ones over two uninterrupted days through some of the most stunning scenery in the world.”

On this upcoming trip, Rocky Mountaineer has partnered with Wounded Warriors Canada, an organization dedicated to helping ill and injured Canadian servicemen and women, focusing particularly on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Additionally, Rocky Mountaineer has also partnered with veteran organizations in Australia (Soldier On), the United States (Operation Comfort) and the United Kingdom (Help for Heroes) to bring a total of five soldiers/veterans and their families onboard the Life Changing Train for Heroes in 2013.

“We are very proud to partner with Rocky Mountaineer on what will be an experience of a lifetime for our veterans and their families,” said Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada. “Working with all of our great partners across the country, Wounded Warriors Canada continues to provide supportive programs and services to support our ill and injured Canadian Forces members (serving and retired). Rocky Mountaineer’s Life Changing Train for Heroes epitomizes this effort and we are very grateful for their support.”

The first departure of the Life Changing Train for Heroes is on October 1, 2013 in Vancouver, BC. Hundreds of people will celebrate the launch of this new program and honour the selected heroes with an event at the Rocky Mountaineer Station, which includes a ceremony involving the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Vancouver Police Department.

For more information on Rocky Mountaineer’s Life Changing Train for Heroes, please visit To learn more about our heroes and follow them on their life changing journey, go to @rmountaineer on Twitter and use #HeroesTrain. You may also become a fan on Facebook at Rocky Mountaineer or for our latest videos, go to our YouTube channel at rmountaineertrain.

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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