National Mental Health Service Provider

Corporate Traveller Partners with WWC 2016 Battlefield Bike Ride

December 8, 2015
For Immediate Release

TORONTO – Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce that Corporate Traveller will be the official travel partner of the 2016 Wounded Warriors Canada Battlefield Bike – The Italian Campaign. In addition to providing the bike ride participants with a superior travel service to and from Canada, Corporate Traveller has committed to donate the booking fee for every participant to Wounded Warriors Canada in support of their programs and services benefiting our ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans, First Responders, and their families.

The Wounded Warriors Canada Battlefield Bike Ride (BBR) is an annual fundraising event that brings together Canadians from coast-to-coast to cycle the storied battlefields of Europe raising important awareness and funds for those living with operational stress injuries like PTSD. BBR16, The Italian Campaign, will build on the experiences of the previous rides and promises an emotional and inspiring journey celebrating and reflecting on Canada’s considerable contributions to the Italian Campaign in WW2.

“Corporate Traveller is tremendously honoured to be partnering with Wounded Warriors Canada for their annual Battlefield Bike Ride. The men, women and Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces have given so much to our country and we are proud to be able to make a contribution in their efforts to support their members transitioning back to civilian life.” said Chris Lynes, Area Leader, Corporate Traveller.

Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, “We are very grateful for the support of Corporate Traveller. For our charity, partnerships help make our programs possible. We are thrilled that our BBR16 participants will receive premier travel support to and from Canada and, in so doing, Wounded Warriors Canada will receive all funds that Corporate Traveller would normally charge for their service.”

To book your travel arrangements to and from Italy using the premier service offered by Corporate Traveller, please contact their BBR16 Account Manager, Lesa Shanofff:  / 1-844-525-0692

About Corporate Traveller:

Established in Victoria in 1993, Corporate Traveller, initially called Flight Centre Corporate, was the founding corporate brand of Flight Centre Travel Group. Corporate Traveller was created to focus solely on the needs of small to medium enterprises (SME). The business quickly emerged as a successful brand, known for its specialized service and experienced consultants. Corporate Traveller offers a unique combination of expert advice, local personal service and global negotiating strength to maximize your travel cost savings.

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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