WWC Donates $30,000 to to Veterans Transition Network in support of Clinical Training for Program Expansion

September 25, 2015
For Immediate Release
Vancouver, British Columbia – The Veterans Transition Network (VTN) is pleased to announce additional financial support from Wounded Warriors Canada to run a Clinical Training Workshop for Veteran’s health issues.
The $30,000 grant provided by Wounded Warriors Canada will give established psychologists with backgrounds in working with Post-Traumatic Stress and group counselling hands-on experience and insight into the unique needs of our Veterans. Not only will this help improve the quality of local resources, it will expand the VTN’s clinical capacity across Canada and allow the delivery of more much-needed Veterans’ services than ever before.
Phil Ralph, Wounded Warriors Canada National Program Director, commented, “We at Wounded Warriors Canada are honoured to have provided $300,000 to the VTN over the past three years. Today’s announcement will help ensure that this established, studied and outstanding program is positioned well for the future – helping ill and injured Veterans from coast-to-coast.”
Oliver Thorne, National Operations Director of the VTN, commented; “The VTN is enormously grateful for this funding. Beyond the financial support Wounded Warriors already provides for our programs in Central Canada, this generous contribution will allow us to expand our clinical teams to include psychologists and counsellors from across the country, bringing us one step closer to our goal of program delivery in every province.”
The Veterans Transition Network is a national charity that delivers group-based programs that assist Canadian Forces Veterans who are struggling with their transition to civilian life. Using a unique program model based on 15 years of university and community research, we have helped near 500 veterans through their transition periods, reconnecting them emotionally with family and spouses, while settling into new career paths.
For more information on the VTN visit: http://vtncanada.org
For more information on Wounded Warriors Canada visit: https://woundedwarriors.ca