TORONTO – Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce that Tara Collins from the University of Calgary has been selected as the fifth recipient of the Wounded Warriors Doctoral Scholarship. In 2013, Wounded Warriors Canada made a 10-year, $400,000 doctoral scholarship commitment to the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR). The gift funds new scholarships for students from universities across Canada as they research issues relevant to serving and retired members of the Canadian Armed Forces and their families.
Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, « Research is absolutely vital when assessing the most effective ways in which to support our ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans, First Responders and their families. Our Doctoral Scholarship is making this research possible and we are pleased to see that Tara’s area of study will be focused on the impact that PTSD has on our military families across the country. »
Tara Collins, WWC 2017 Doctoral Scholarship recipient, commented, « I am grateful to Wounded Warriors Canada and CIMVHR for this amazing opportunity. This much needed research will provide vital information about military families who are often overlooked, yet also sacrifice a lot for their country. This scholarship means being able to provide a voice to families and aims to provide important information to assist with service provisions to meet the needs of military members and their families as a whole. »
Heidi Cramm, CIMVHR Interim Co-Scientific Director, commented, « the Wounded Warriors doctoral scholarship has provided strong junior researchers the ability to focus on military, Veteran, and family health. Without this kind of support, it is challenging to attract young talent to the field. We have seen tremendous success among those who have been awarded this prestigious scholarship as they prosper and thrive in their trajectories as new research investigators. The research field as a whole is enriched by Wounded Warriors’ generosity. »
The Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR) is an innovative organization that engages existing academic research resources and facilitates the development of new research, research capacity and effective knowledge translation. With a network of academic researchers from across Canada, it serves as the hub for 43 Canadian universities who have agreed to work together in addressing the health research requirements of the Canadian military, Veterans and their families.