The Wounded Warrior Run BC finished it’s 8-day journey on March 1st, raising a life-changing $165,000 in the process. The 8 runner-team ran down Vancouver Island raising funds and awareness for Wounded Warriors Canada. The relay-style run started on February 23rd in Port Hardy with athletes covering more than 600 kms in seven days until they reached their final destination at the Market Square in Victoria. . Over those 8 days, the team of 8 Runners and support staff made a variety of visits to local Legions, Community Halls, Fire, Ambulance and Police Departments and Sponsors locations.
“The Wounded Warrior Run BC team is on a mission to honour Canada’s ill and injured Veterans, First Responders and their families,” said Jacqueline Zweng. Director of the Wounded Warrior Run BC. “We provide a source of hope as we reach out and talk about the wounds that are not visible.”
The Wounded Warrior Run BC is now in its 7th year and has become the largest fundraiser for Wounded Warriors Canada on Vancouver Island.