What is planned giving?
Planned giving is when you leave a major gift to a charity, such as money or real estate, as part of your estate plans when you pass away. A planned or legacy gift can be anything from a dollar amount to an item of value or a piece of property.
You can leave a legacy gift through a Last Will and Testament, a Gift Deed, or a Living Trust.

How does planned giving help Wounded Warriors Canada?
Planned giving helps charities like Wounded Warriors Canada to support future veterans and their families through programs such as Couples Overcoming PTSD Everyday (COPE), PTSD Service Dog Program, Trauma Resiliency Program, and much more.
By promising a major gift to Wounded Warriors, you are helping us continue to support our living veterans and honour the fallen, now and in the future.
How do I leave a planned gift to Wounded Warriors Canada?
Wounded Warriors has partnered with LawDepot, a leading DIY legal form provider, to make it easier for you to leave a planned gift.
When you create a Last Will and Testament with LawDepot, all you need to do is fill out the questionnaire and select “Wounded Warriors Canada” in the Select Charity/Organization drop-down menu in the Gifts section.
If you already have a Last Will and Testament you can use a Gift Deed to donate money, personal items, or property.
The process for selecting a charity in the Gift Deed is similar to Last Will; simply select “Wounded Warriors Canada” in the drop-down menu under Recipient Details.
Once you have finished creating your Will or Gift Deed select either the Free Trial or Basic license option.
If you choose a Free Trial, you will have one week (7 days from when you created the document) to cancel your subscription before it rolls into a Monthly Subscription at $39/month.
What kind of gift can I leave?
Did you know that only 7% of Canadians leave a charitable donation in their Last Will?
Planned gifts can be specific dollar amounts (for example, $2000.00), a percentage of the residue of your estate (part of what is left after all of your debts have been paid and any gifts have been distributed), or an item of value like a vehicle, stock/bond, RRSP, life insurance, or real estate.