National Mental Health Service Provider

Bruce Power Donates $126,000 to Wounded Warriors Canada

Bruce Power Donates $126,000 to Wounded Warriors Canada Bruce Power and its partners have raised $126,000 for Wounded Warriors Canada. The fundraising charity gala was held in Kincardine where a full house gathered to support Canada’s leading charity that...

Inaugural Wounded Warriors Canada Highway of Heroes Bike Ride

Inaugural Wounded Warriors Canada Highway of Heroes Bike Ride September 26, 2016 TORONTO – This weekend, nearly 200 Canadians embarked on a two-day, 220km bike ride from Trenton, Ontario right into the heart of Toronto at Queen’s Park during the inaugural Wounded...

Honorer Ceux qui sont Tombés, Tendre la Main aux Blessés


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Wounded Warriors Canada est un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré. CRA# 82808-2727-RR0001

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