Canada’s « First Lady of Classical Guitar » Joins WWC for a private concert in Arras, France

Liona Boyd, known as « The First Lady of the Guitar » has introduced millions around the world to the art of classical guitar through her concerts, television specials, and twenty three recordings, many of which have gone « Gold » and « Platinum ».
Liona gave concerts around the globe and had the opportunity to play for dozens of world leaders such as the British Royal Family, the King and Queen of Spain, Presidents of the United States and Mexico, the prime ministers of Canada, France, and Britain, and the Chancellor of Germany, as well as at NATO and Summit Conferences. Her guitar music filled concert halls all the way from Tokyo, Hong Kong, Beijing, Bangkok, New Delhi, Edinburgh, Paris, Auckland, Frankfurt, Santiago, Rio, Bogotà¡, Havana, London, to Copenhagen, Lisbon and Mexico City.
Liona has devoted herself to many charitable causes helping to raise millions of dollars in Canada and the USA through fundraising concerts. She will be joining the participants of the Wounded Warriors Canada Battlefield Bike Ride to perform a special ceremony concluding the ride at Vimy Ridge & Arras, France on June 13.
She will be accompanied by Michael Savona and together with the bike riders participating in the Wounded Warriors Canada Battlefield Bike Ride will sing her new patriotic song Canada My Canada in Arras, France on June 13, 2014.