Statement Regarding 2020 WWC Battlefield Bike Ride (BBR20) Postponement:
We have been monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic closely, and given the current situation facing the international community combined with the prognosis requiring physical distancing, we are forced to conclude that delivering BBR20 as planned this June will not be possible. While this decision was not taken lightly, the health and wellbeing of our participants, staff and residents of the host communities in the Netherlands is paramount.
Postponement to June, 2021: Liberation of the Netherlands
Nearly 200 Canadians have registered to participate in BBR20. Over the last 8 months they have been hard at work raising funds and awareness that allows us to make transformational impacts in the lives of our Veterans, First Responders and their families. Now more than ever, the demand for our mental health services touches all corners of Canada and our Battlefield Bike Ride will continue to be a driving force in our ability to respond.
To that end, we are announcing that BBR20 will be postponed until June, 2021. This means that we will be able to keep our team together and that, as a group, we will have the next 14 months to continue to bring attention to the unique needs of those who serve our country at home and abroad while they train for the journey to the Netherlands.
$1,000,000 Fundraising Goal:
Given the postponement, we are setting a new BBR team fundraising goal of $1M. Collectively, you have already made incredible progress (currently at 65% of the goal) with 14 months to go. While we understand fundraising will face additional headwinds due to the economic pressures of COVID-19, we also know that Canadians are witnessing the selfless dedication of our First Responders who are working around the clock to keep us safe despite the risks posed by the virus. Knowing the amount of care and compassion Canadians have for those we serve, I am confident we will all respond in the face of adversity — just as our Veterans, First Responders and their families have done for us.
We appreciate the support we have received through this very challenging time. It has been our goal to provide clarity to our participants, their families and supporters while devising the best option to complete our journey to the Netherlands, together.
Scott Maxwell
Executive Director
Wounded Warriors Canada