National Mental Health Service Provider


Nigel Blake, WWC Ambassador, Lower Mainland, BC

Nigel was born and raised in British Columbia. From an early age he felt a call to service, and joined the British Columbia Regiment (Canadian Forces Primary Reserve) straight out of high school serving for five years.

Blake became an Auxiliary police officer in 1992 and a regular member in 1999 serving in multiple roles in various communities including General Duty, Community Policing, Plainclothes, Crime Reduction, and Police Explosives Technician.

In 2011, Blake deployed as a civilian police officer to Afghanistan for a year as part of Canada’s contribution to the NATO effort to rebuild that nations civilian police capabilities.

Nigel has lived with the effects of PTSD since 2001, and was temporarily sidelined from police work for and extended period after a critical incident in 2017.

Nigel was fortunate to attend the first iteration of the two phase Trauma Resiliency Program (TRP) developed by Wounded Warriors Canada and was able to resume his career a few weeks after completing Phase two.

Blake is currently serving police officer on an investigative unit in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia and is proud to be associated with the efforts of Wounded Warriors Canada to deliver vital care to those who serve. #inthistogether

Honorer Ceux qui sont Tombés, Tendre la Main aux Blessés


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Wounded Warriors Canada est un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré. CRA# 82808-2727-RR0001

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