National Mental Health Service Provider

Matt Muzzi, WWC Ambassador, National Capital Region, Ontario

Matt Muzzi served as a regular force medic in the Canadian Army from 1985 until 1994. He is very proud of his service and continues to stay close to the military community. Matt supports the efforts of Wounded Warriors Canada in the Ottawa area and helps where he can to raise both awareness and funds. Matt has participated in the Battlefield Bike Rides in 2014, 2015, 2018 & 2019 as well as Highway of Heroes Rides in 2016 and 2017, 2018 and the Ride for Mental Health in 2021.

Having friends and family that deal with Post Traumatic Stress Injuries, Matt understands the challenges it presents but also sees the positive impact that the programs Wounded Warriors Canada delivers. He has been witness to the incredible transformation of those challenged by this illness that have taken the programs offered by Wounded Warriors and will continue to do his part to help where he can. It is his way of trying to give back to his brothers and sisters in all uniforms, across Canada.

Matt lives and works in Ottawa with his wife and teenaged children in Ottawa. He is active in his community and is very proud to represent Wounded Warriors Canada in the National Capital Region.

Honorer Ceux qui sont Tombés, Tendre la Main aux Blessés


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Wounded Warriors Canada est un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré. CRA# 82808-2727-RR0001

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