National Mental Health Service Provider

Wounded Warriors Canada donates $100,000 to the Veterans Transition Network

May 7, 2014

For Immediate Release

OTTAWA – Wounded Warriors Canada is very pleased to continue their partnership with the Veterans Transition Network (VTN), announcing a $100,000 donation to the program for 2014. The funding is earmarked to support the program’s Ontario provision.

In addition, Wounded Warriors Canada (WWC) is also proud to announce that Bruce Power – the largest nuclear power station in North America and longtime supporter of Wounded Warriors Canada – will once again sponsor the charity’s program commitment.

The VTN is the first group-based program for veterans transitioning from military to civilian life. For 3 months, participants in each program spend 80 hours over 3 weekends living with and helping each other identify and potentially remove barriers that hinder their transition. Sessions take place in a completely confidential environment facilitated by clinicians and paraprofessionals – focusing on the transition process, the effects of trauma on the person, building skills for self-regulation, communication skills, and completing “unfinished business”.

Tim Laider, Executive Director of the Veterans Transition Network, commented, « The VTN was a major part of my transition home after serving in Afghanistan and it has been my personal mission to make this program available to as many Veterans as possible. The generous contribution from Wounded Warriors Canada continues to make this program possible in Ontario.”

Phil Ralph, Wounded Warriors Canada National Program Director, commented that, “The Veterans Transition Network is a state of the art program that we are proud to support. Not only does the VTN help enable soldiers to work through Operational Stress Injuries, it helps transition a soldiers vast military skills into civilian skills – helping them to be successful and productive in their transition to civilian life. Our funding will continue to ensure this great program is available in Ontario and we owe a great deal of gratitude to Bruce Power, one of our long-standing corporate partners.”

Harry Hall, Vice-President of Supply Chain for Bruce Power commented, “It takes courage and strength to do what these soldiers do for our country. We are extremely grateful for the sacrifices they’ve made and hope this donation will make it a little easier for our wounded soldiers to transition back to civilian life.”

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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