National Mental Health Service Provider

Wounded Warriors Canada Donates $50,000 to the Tema Conter Memorial Trust

Donation will create the Wounded Warriors Canada Peer Support and Family Assistance Fund 

HALFIAX, May 27, 2015 /CNW/ – Wounded Warriors Canada is proud to announce their partnership with the Tema Conter Memorial Trust. In 2015, Wounded Warriors will donate $50,000 to create the Wounded Warriors Canada Peer Support and Family Assistance Fund through the Trust. This Fund will provide immediate crisis intervention while acting as a referral agent to link the ill and injured Veteran or First Responder to the appropriate mental health professional in their area.

In 1988, former paramedic Vince Savoia attended to the homicide of Ms. Tema Conter.  This event not only changed his life, but it also changed the lives of the Conter family. The Tema Conter Memorial Trust began in 2001 as a modest charity offering scholarships to paramedic students.  Today, it has grown to become a hub for research, education and training, as well as a peer and psychological support resource for the men and women serving in Canada’s public safety organizations and our Canadian Armed Forces.

« We understand that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder deeply affects the lives of our Canadian Armed Forces members, Veterans, First Responders, and their families, » said Scott Maxwell, Executive Director of Wounded Warriors Canada.  « We are proud to fund this great program and are pleased that Wounded Warriors Canada is now in a position to fund programs that pairs support to both serving and retired Canadian Armed Forces members and First Responders – a first in the history of our organization. »

Phil Ralph, National Program Director of Wounded Warriors Canada, commented, « Veterans and First Responders share a deep affinity for one another as they stand on the frontlines – ensuring the safety and security of Canadians both at home and abroad. Their duties expose them to traumatic incidents that demand our attention and support. The addition of the Wounded Warriors Canada Peer Support and Family Assistance Fund to our outstanding slate of national programs will ensure that both Veterans and First Responders receive timely assistance no matter where they reside in Canada. »

Vince Savoia, Executive Director of the Tema Conter Memorial Trust, commented, « Year to date, 17 first responders and 5 military members have died by suicide.  Between April 29th and December 31st, 2014, 27 first responders died by suicide, and in all of 2014, 19 military personnel died by suicide.  It is heavily disheartening that these numbers continue to rise.  We are so grateful for the support and passion that Wounded Warriors Canada is bringing to our mission, and we feel more equipped than ever to make positive change for those who spend their lives helping others. »

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living

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