National Mental Health Service Provider


Mark Blachuras, Runner

My name is Mark Blachuras, I am a Paramedic/Dispatcher with BC Emergency Health Services. I currently work full time in Nanaimo as a Paramedic. I first started working with Wounded Warriors during the Highway of Heroes bike ride. I have really shifted my focus from cycling to running since 2018. Programs like those which the Wounded Warriors provide are important to me because they help those who are otherwise forgotten, and as well as their families.

Since starting work for BCEHS in 2013 I have watched coworkers struggle, some even taking their own lives. With programs like Wounded Warriors these people who otherwise feel helpless, may get crucial live-saving help. I run for those who can’t.

Honour the Fallen, Help the Living


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Wounded Warriors Canada is a registered charity. CRA# 82808-2727-RR0001

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